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Misplaced Priorities

Pastor Travis Burkett

Matthew 6:33

“But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.”

Remember when you were a kid, you would approach Christmas with extreme excitement. Your list would be completed by Thanksgiving, and you made sure your parents had it. You were anticipating the day that you could open the presents under the tree. All while imagining what each one could be.

Fast forward, and now Christmas can feel like a chore list instead of anticipation for something great. Remember when you came to Christ? Our priorities shifted. Each day was like Christmas, eager to open the Word and see what Christ had for you today. So many people have misplaced the true priority this time of the year. Instead of focusing on the birth of our Savior, we are so stressed to accomplish all the details of the season.

Don’t get me wrong, I love buying gifts, and especially receiving gifts! I love visiting family and seeing old friends. Christmas music and decorations, yes! Give me more! But for so many, our Christmas list and agenda are so full that we rarely focus our attention on the manger. Our priorities have become misplaced. Good things that happen this season have replaced the best thing that happened on earth.

A few years ago, my wife gifted me a Nike gift card, and I lost it in the mess of Christmas wrapping paper. I was searching everywhere! I was frustrated and searching high and low! I started blaming my wife for losing my gift! The reality is, I missed special moments with my family and the focus of what it was all about because I was consumed with a card with money on it.

I quickly noticed my wrong, and we spent a few moments as a family talking about how God had blessed us. We reflected on His presence in our lives and how awesome it is to serve Him. When we take time to keep JESUS as a priority in our lives, you’d be surprised how easy it is to see Jesus when He’s the priority.

Matthew says, "But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you."

Are we seeking His Kingdom? Where are our priorities? Have we spent too much time on our schedules where we forgot to enter His presence?

Are we striving after righteousness that’s found by seeking our Lord? Oh, we want presents and blessings, but the best present we’ve been given is the ability to dwell in the presence of God. So let's get our priorities straightened this Christmas. Let us seek His Kingdom first!



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